Dear Students
The course MPS: 231- Introduction to Clinical Psychology is almost coming to an end. I have enjoyed teaching and learning from you in the last 3-4 months. I hope you have liked it also.
1. I have put up a tentaive in-progress list (click HERE) of CIA marks/grades of all the students of this course. This is the 'semi-final' version and the final version would be put up on blog latest by March 11 (thursday evening). I will have my last class of this course with you on March 12 (Friday, 11-12 pm).
2. The hard copy of the integration papers are to be submitted to me TODAY (March 5th, by 4 pm). A soft copy of the same needs to emailed to me ( and a copy marked to Ms. Hitha (our courseblog manager, ). Hitha would later put up all the IPs on the blog for students to go through and comment on them.The integration paper presentations will continue till March 9 (Tuesday), with each presentation for about 15 mins and 10 mins for discussions. I would like to meet all the IP students, one by one, to have an informal chat about their experience of doing the IP (by fixing up a mutually convenient time anyday between Mar 8 and Mar 10).
3. The hard copy of other (individual special CIAs like class summary, NACIACP Report, etc) should reach me latest by Mar 8, 10 am), alongwith a softcopy emailed to me and Hitha.
4. Finally, since we are coming to the end of the course, i would like all of you to do a quick revision of what we learnt in the whole semester and send me your last-minute questions/doubts about anything and everything pertaining to the course. An email with such questions from your side reaching me latest by Mar 10 would be highly appreciated. I would try to address those questions/clarifications in our last class on Mar 12.
In order to get an elaborate feedback abt the course I have created a gmail account (id:, password: happyness). You could, with the help of the password, log on to the gmail id and could send me ( or an email with your honest comments and feedback abt the course(s) which I taught you. This whole process would ensure complete anonymity (you are also most welcome to disclose your name, if you want to!) and would facilitate the process of giving a feedback. Please note that this feedback mechanism has nothing to do with any other feedback that you are supposed to give to anybody else. This feedback would be only for me and would help me to learn and grow as a teacher.
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