Friday, January 29, 2010

CIA option: IACP Conference 2010 through my eyes

For those of you who wanted to, but could not attend DC sir's meeting with Subbu and me today, here's the gist:

All students willing to take up the assignment- 'IACP Conference 2010 through my eyes' should select one of the main sessions and one of the Paper or Poster sessions.
To see the see the lists of topics for the conference click HERE for main sessions, HERE for oral presentations and HERE for poster presentations.
You can put up their choice as a comment to this blog posting. Also, write your name and topics chosen on the list put up on the noticeboard in class. Try and make sure your topics don't coincide with another person's. If there are any such overlap issues to solve, please meet DC sir tomorrow after the exam.

The submitted report should have two parts:

a) Brief summary of the 2 sessions that I attended- why I choose those two- who the resource persons were- what they said (1000 words max.)
b) Student's reaction to the sessions- what you liked/disliked about the session- questions provoked in the mind- questions remained unanswered- any follow-up of the sessions by personally talking to one/two of the speakers later on- how is the session topics related to our course (1000 words max.)
You can be as innovative as possible, fulfilling the basic requirements as stated above.

DC sir would like us to enjoy the whole process rather than taking this CIA as a burden. And, of course, do not miss the lunch and the banquet ;-)


  1. My topics:
    Main: Aggression in society
    Poster: Exploring the inner world

  2. Lakshmipriya's topics:
    01B: Difficult situations and disturbing emotions
    03A: Self perceptions and distress; adolescents perspective.

  3. Mridu's topics:
    Symposium 2A: Cognitive & Psychosocial Aspects of Substance Misuse
    03A: Self,Perceptions And Distress: Adolescents'Perspective

  4. Mukta's topics:

  5. Hello Sir,

    Sorry for the late post. Slipped off my mind that I had to put it up here. Apologies.

    My topics:

    1.Symposium 1: Culture and Psychotherapy: Challenges in Practice and Supervision

    2. Oral 2A: Correlates of Substance Abuse: Personality, Peers and Parents

    Thank You! :)
