Hi Everyone,
Here is the approximate plan of action that Hitha and I have drawn out for our theme on the ethical issues around ECT, and it's "popularity" among the mental health professionals. We wish to also address the question of the factors responsible for its alleged misuse, the measures taken by hospitals to ensure the safe use of ECT for the treatment of the patient and what the available "safer" alternatives are today.
As we set about answering these questions, we will first review the literature in the field to see:
• pros and cons
• laws for and against (Indian context)
• if client's narratives have been taken into account.
We wish, if possible, to interview 2 psychiatrists (with opposing views), a clinical neuro-psychologist, a representative NGO/activist against ECT and a client who has undergone ECT.
Sounds like a good plan to me :) ... you might wanna read Prozac Nation and One Flew Over The Cuckoo's nest ...has bits about ect